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Vital-Office News: Easily reduce noise with affordable vitAcoustic Solutions

Is your office too loud? Do you feel stressed through the noise at your workplace? Or do you feel you need better acoustic at your home or business location. Then check the following information.

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Written by 13 May 2017 - 03:04:48

Scientific research proofs: Noise makes sick! But what exactly is that noise?

1. Noise within rooms is reflected from all hard surfaces like walls, ceiling, floor and other items in the room.

2. This cause echo, because sound travels at a certain speed. Each reflection increases the way length and we can hear this echo later than the previous one. Many echoes follow each other in different loudness.

Your brain gets stressed, because it must separate all the echoes, in order, that you can understand, what is said. In practise you may ask your colleague to speak louder, so you can understand him. Everybody is speaking louder, most often unconsciously and the room gets filled with lot of noise.

Your brain and ear decreases its ability to hear soft tones. It filters them out and you are only receptive to the loud ones. A very bad situation, which is like you can see the world only in black and white. Your full ability to be aware and awake to your environment is gone. Your productivity will decrease likewise.

A simple way  to enhance your room's acoustics is to replace as many reflecting hard surfaces with absorbing material. Sound which hit on absorbing surfaces does not get reflected so much. Echoes will decrease or even diminish mostly and you can hear silent speech very clearly. Everybody can speak more silently and still get understood very clear. Stress is decreased - productivity and feel good is increased.


An important issues on almost all sound absorbing materials is, that they need a buffer distance to a hard surface like walls, ceiling and other parts. Due to the long wave length of lower tones a thin sound absorbing material, which is applied directly on hard surface does not absorb much. While the same material applied with a distance of minimum 30mm to 150mm absorbs very well.

Same happens with acoustic material in the middle of rooms. Without a buffer the sound absorption may not be as good as promised. In practise this applies to partitions, which often do not have a significant effect.

Generally speaking, a more detailed knowledge is valuable to evaluate the sound absorption of a specific product and where it is applied within the room. It may be a good product, but may unfold it's full absorption feature only if applied in a certain way. Otherwise it can happen that it is almost useless.

 vitAcoustic Frames

A new development with low cost, but high effective sound absorbing material is:

A set of picture frames with easy to replace sound absorption material in many colors to decorate walls with acoustic function. These easy to install frames can be used at home, in your office, in shops, restaurants and other buildings. You can start with some frames and add more frames later to achieve higher sound absorption or a more nicely look.

They also can be used as pinboard, as you easily can stick your notes and photos on it.

Optionally they can be printed with ornaments or your personal photos. For instance you can make your personal family, sports or business team wall with these frames.

The gracile frame itself is made of solid green bamboo wood. It is available in 3 sizes and 3 thicknesses for creative three dimensional wall design:
Sizes: 400x400mm, 800x400mm and 1200x400mm


vitAcoustic Panel Curtains

Another easy to handle product.

A versatile panel curtain system with movable acoustic panels in many sizes and shapes. The curtain rail can easily be installed at the ceiling like a curtain or at the wall like a black board. Overlapping curtains increase sound absorbing while creating a functional design, where you can pin notes and plans or calendars on panels, which you can hide or show by simply moving the panels.

Another option is to install the rail and panels in the middle of rooms to separate sections. The panels can easily be moved, so you can open or close view to other section of the room.



Eine gute Schallabsorption benötigt einen Abstand (Hohlraum) zwischen Absorber und einer schallharten Fläche.
Je größer der Abstand, desto mehr werden die tiefen Töne mit absorbiert. ...

Date-181Wednesday, 19 April 2017 15:24
Language-181  German
File Size-181 313.35 MB
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Manchmal haben wir vergessen, dass wir in einem Paradies leben. In der neuen Workshop- und Vortragsreihe möchten wir Ihnen Tips geben, wie Sie mehr „Paradies“ in Ihr Zuhause und Ihr Büro

Date-180Wednesday, 05 April 2017 11:58
Language-180  German
File Size-180 12.44 MB
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