vitAcoustic Specifications, Room Acoustics Data and Acoustic Calculators

Acoustic calculator According to DIN 18041-online calculation of sound absorption in offices, conference rooms and classrooms

In order for a room acoustic measure to be calculated and assessed realistically, well-founded acoustic physical basic knowledge and practical experience is appropriate. In particular, the initial values of reality must be determined accordingly. For sensitive areas, the measurement should be carried out professionally by an acoustic expert. Alternatively, at least a provisional measurement should be performed with a phone app repeatedly. The provisional measurement serves only as a guideline for the selection of the room materials and their absorption coefficients in the acoustic calculator. Basically, any calculation without professional measurements of the initial situation is hypothetical!


Low frequencies are absorbed differently than high frequencies. Glass surfaces (Windows) or a normal office cabinet made of chipboard in different thicknesses, when you hit the resonance of the deep tones, can act for the low frequencies absorbing. However, a correct calculation is hardly possible due to the lack of measured data of the objects. On the basis of a measurement, special depth absorbers (vibrating resonators) need to be specifically set.

The calculations are based on measured data from objects and materials. Some of these are listed in the DIN 18041 exemplary. Others are taken from various sources for their correctness and conformity with the actual existing object or material there is no guarantee.

  • Area is important-small elements, for example, are simply overlooked by lower frequencies due to the long wavelength. Even with a-class absorbers, an adequately large absorbing surface is required in relation to the size of the room. In communication rooms, absorbers on the ceiling are sparingly and consciously dealt with. Here is more of a reflection desired!


Read 54034 times
(6 votes)
Written by 6 November 2021 - 12:26:32

Vital-Office therefore recommends the use of flexible acoustically effective products. Acoustic products that are divisible and easy to install and can be easily removed if necessary. This makes the investment in acoustically effective products more sustainable, more economical and more effective. For example, the VitAcoustic 3d frames. The VitAcoustic 3d frames have additional positive acoustic properties (among others on the lower frequencies) through the nested bamboo solid wood frames.

P.S. in the table "VO01" of the acoustic calculator, example values for a conference room and in VO02 for a club room are entered according to the adjacent 360 degree panorama picture.

Contributors to the Project acoustic calculator:

We are happy to share the original Excel with a contributing community similar to an open source project. Interested parties are kindly asked to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by e-mail. Further development steps are:

  • Extension and addition of the material and object database, in particular measured values of standard furnishings or entire exemplary facilities by room size.
  • Extension by further calculation formulas (currently only Sabine was chosen) and their comparative comparison.

Room Acoustic calculator in Excel table format

In the following we provide you with an online room acoustic calculator, which you can easily operate in the window, as well as in full screen (Excel online).

In full screen mode, you automatically switch to Excel online. Excel online first opens the tables in read mode. To enter values, you must activate this by clicking the "Edit in Browser" button. You may need to sign in with your Microsoft account to use Excel online.

Entries are possible in the grey fields:

Information about the project. Company name, room name, etc.

Select the usage type of the room according to DIN 18041 (select list box, please use the arrow icon to the right of the open field)

Room size: Length, width, height in m (meters) Please enter

The room acoustic costing values are calculated immediately. Directly below the input line of the type of usage and the dimensions of the space, you can see the setlevels to be achieved according to DIN 18041. T (s) is for room Group A and A/V is for room Group B.

All values are always calculated. No information on recommended Tolerenazabhängigen T (s) reverberation times according to DIN 18041 is given for Group B rooms.

For the graphics to be a simpler estimate of the values, equivalent relationships were introduced between use types of room Group A and B. The display therefore shows the following mappings: B2-> A5, B3-> A2, B4-> A3, B5-> A4. These are only for orientation.

Next, you specify the room properties in terms of absorption surfaces of ceiling, walls, and floor. For each material, enter the area in m². The sum of all surface inputs should correspond to the total area of the slab (ceiling, wall or floor). The indication in red "undefined" shows you whether you have entered too much or too little space. You will immediately be able to calculate the room acoustic values for the empty space, which you can compare and adjust with current measured values in the empty space.

You can then add to the existing setup and also to read the values and, if necessary, compare and adjust them with current measured values in the established room. Please note the unit of values. For some furnishings, the number is not in m², but per PC.

In the next section you enter the acoustic measures to be proposed, then the persons and finally you can add deep absorbers. All curves are shown clearly in the following 2 graphs.


Exclusion of Liability:

This software was carefully created according to the state of science and technology. It is made available to the user free of charge. Use is at your own risk. Liability – irrespective of the legal reason – is excluded, as far as legally permissible. In particular, the defects of the software as well as the related documentation and information are used – especially with regard to their correctness, freedom of error, freedom from the protection and copyright of third parties, topicality, completeness and/ or usability – except in the case of intent or malice. No information contract: the use of the room acoustic calculator does not result in a contract-also no information contract or consulting agreement-between the user of the room acoustics computer and the vital-Office GmbH. Disclaimer: This room acoustic calculator has been carefully programmed and the product data is carefully compiled. Nevertheless, errors are not to be excluded and the vital-Office GmbH is not liable for damage due to the use of the room acoustic computer. In particular, any liability for damages (e.g. faulty planning) is excluded, which are caused by the use of calculation results or data or information from the room acoustics computer. This calculation service serves as an orientation aid and in no case can replace an exact calculation for the concrete application by a building physicist or corresponding specialist (acoustic technician). In particular, an exact reconciliation of reverberation time is not possible.

Right of Use:

The room acoustic calculator may be used online free of charge for non-commercial purposes. Commercial use is not permitted.

The integration into own websites, downloading, saving on own data carriers and the distribution (passing on) to third parties is not permitted without written use agreement.


© Peter Jordan / - Vital-Office GmbH, Holzbachtal 204, D-75334 Straubenhardt, Tel.: +49 7248 935 6690, E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Credits: Dieses Excel-Tabelle ist eine Weiterentwicklung von: Benno Frank, BFH AHB Biel / HF HT 06B


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1 comment

  • Comment Link Frank T. Monday, 20 April 2020 10:14 posted by Frank T.

    Hallo, danke für den Online-Rechner. Er war sehr aufschlussreich beim Ausrechnen von 2 Räumen.
    Ich verstehe nur nicht, wieso sich die Raumanwendungsgruppen gleichen in den Werten.
    zB A2 = B3, A3 = B4 und A4 = B5

    Nach der DIN sind A für Unterrichtsräume und B für Büroräume, denen jeweils verschiedene Anforderungen gestellt werden. Bei Knauf heisst es:
    Raumgruppe A : "Räume mit einer Hörsamkeit über mittlere und größere Entfernung, bei denen es neben einer dem Verwendungszweck entsprechenden Grundbedämpfung der Geräuschpegel auf eine ausreichende Versorgung aller anwesenden Personen mit Schallenergie ankommt."
    Raumgruppe B : "bei denen es auf eine möglichst hohe Geräuschpegelminderung und Begrenzung der Halligkeit ankommt."
    Ich finde im Internet keine Verbindungen zwischen A und B, da bei A nur nach einem Nachhallzeit-Korridor gefragt wird und bei B nach dem A/V Verhältnis.

    Sind sie sicher, dass Ihre Werte für die Raumgruppe B stimmen?


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