
Why Security and Privacy in Ergonomics are most important

Security and Privacy are preconditions for creativity and true communication and social intelligence. Here we differentiate: Security through backing = back coverage, Security through protection = shield in front, Security through command = overview of space, Personal territory = privacy = intimate space. In practice, we can observe, if you have no security and no defined private sphere in your workplace, you then unconsciously create alternative private areas in your workplace unconsciously. Like distracting your colleagues - avoiding team work.





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Written by 13 May 2017 - 04:06:16

Security and Privacy are preconditions for creativity and true communication and social intelligence. Here we differentiate:

  • Security through backing = back coverage
  • Security through protection = shield in front
  • Security through command = overview of space
  • Personal territory = privacy = intimate space

Actually it is quite simple: Above all else, everything you need and everything for which our ancestors fought, is a safe place to live.

Just as our ancestors looked for a place with good protection from behind, you are looking for the same in our modern world. This need is archetypically conditioned. Consequently, a secure workplace with rear protection  is the requirement for all further development and exposition of your possible work performance.

We also feel better at the front, if we are not completely exposed. A shield provided the primeval hunter with protection, just like the castle for the knight. The most minimal protection is, for example, a loincloth. It is just the same in the office: In reception, in line with a castle, somewhat more protection is required. Speakers like to have a lectern (shield). In a group office employees are happy with a modesty panel.

Your preference for your own intimate space is somewhat more differentiated. The private sphere is more than the aforementioned security. It also implies a safe space for your individuality. Everyone knows how unpleasant it is if someone else stands too close behind you or next to you.

My friend, Manfred Ross, liked to use the figure of the Neanderthal man in his presentations, to make these kind of effects easily comprehensible. In the same way, I have got into the habit of using the Neanderthal man in my seminars as a representative of our collected experiences of humanity, archetypes and psychological programming.

Therefore, imagine that there is a Neanderthal man in you who is constantly checking whether everything is safe. After all, the Neanderthal man lived in a dangerous environment. A sabre-toothed tiger could come creeping up quietly from behind; for this reason the Neanderthal man preferred to have a solid wall behind him. Exposure in a group of more or less strange people who did not belong to one’s own family also meant increased attention. It is better to have the club in your hand in case someone stupid comes along.

It rapidly becomes clear that no constructive, friendly interaction is possible, as long as the Neanderthal man has the club at the ready, because he does not yet feel 100% safe. In the design of the office, we must first meet the essential need for security, before we are able to think about other civilised forms of creative cooperation.

In practice, we can observe, if you have no security and no defined private sphere in your workplace, (for example, due to unsuitable furniture and a bad room concept), that you then unconsciously. create alternative private areas in your workplace unconsciously.

For example, including by your behavior towards other employees. You behave, for example, more aggressively, more affectedly, more evasively, more threateningly, in a more anti-social way, more defensively, less communicatively, more arrogantly and more reservedly in order to keep the others at a (safe) distance.

Certainly, all forms of behavior which do not conform with your company’s culture and definitely counteract the company’s targets in terms of efficiency and competitiveness. In addition, this kind of negative behavior leads in the long term to personal suffering and health problems.

On the other hand, an ergonomic design in conformity with the premises of security and a privacy sphere promotes friendly, cooperative and constructive communication, social intelligence for new ideas and better competitiveness. At the same time, it facilitates a better quality of life.

When you feel safe, your Neanderthal man has packed his club and lain down to sleep, then you can behave freely and naturally. You can direct all your strength and energy at pleasant things. You can talk casually with your colleagues.

You are safe and do not have to defend yourself.

You can also talk about things, which, to be on the safe side you would have otherwise kept to yourself. Because it could be that one colleague tries to undermine your position and that it is better to keep the technical information to ourselves to strengthen your position. No, we have no need to fight and we do not have to defend ourselves. We are safe. We have a safe workplace, with backing and protection as well as a more intimate space for our privacy.

On the basis of this security we are unconsciously more friendly and helpful to our colleagues. Our colleagues feel the same. They, likewise, have a safe place and are more friendly, co-operative and helpful.

We are bringing about a change. We are more successful and we enjoy our work. We enjoy working together and appreciate our successes and we will take this energy with us into our private lives

The scenario described above functions in an optimal way if the company culture, company vitalizing processes, employee management and office design are co-ordinated with each other. In our calculation, the unconscious effect of a Vital Office must not be underestimated.

It is known from depth psychology that man is mainly controlled by his subconscious. There are differences caused by type. This leads to managers, who are more reason orientated, making decisions about employees, who are more emotionally driven. The result is appropriate. However, it can also turn out differently, if we no longer negate the essential needs but use them consciously.


Security and Privacy are preconditions for creativity, true honest communication and social intelligence.



A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes

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