“Since I work for Vital-Office as an architect I am dealing a lot with the grenn bamboo material and develop many green office concepts, also for large international corporations. Within this job I ask myself, what exactly is this attraction of bamboo material?”
Of course, there are important issues such as sustainability, overall very valuable contribution to the environment and also it‘s authentic naturalness. Just to name a few. But bamboo is mainly a very nice, elegant and aesthetic material that has a very superior appeal.
Therefore, it deserves a careful crafting. It shall not simply be cut and fitted with a straight edge, but rather modeled as a sculpture. This helps to create architecturally proportioned tops, which again vary in effect and grace through differently shaped and profiled edges.
Bamboo is aging with dignity. If once getting on in years, it retains its beautiful, aesthetic and natural coloring and does not loose its good-looking, because of exposure to the sun, which e.g. gives other woods a yellow tinge. Also, humidity it can put away well and responds with less shrinkage and expansion than other woods. Looking at it more from a technical perspective, we know that no other natural material is more elasticity, hard and strong, which is combined with exceptionally low weight.
Only the interplay of all these details, impress consciously and unconsciously upon the user. An overall composition that is authentic, consistent and of appreciated high quality. Bamboo is with all its features a very modern, authentic and noble material.
Dipl. Ing. (Architecture) Petra Bodenburg: